Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Tutorial Five: YouTube

YouTube offers users the opportunity to upload, and view video files all over the world.  Additionally, to hosting your own videos on YouTube users are able to rate other hosts videos, add comments, and subscribe/follow other producers.

I have chosen a topic of 'Occupational therapy in Paediatrics' to show you how useful YouTube is, and how knowledge can be gained.

This YouTube video provides and overview of working in a Paediatric Occupational therapy setting

The following is useful to gain knowledge on how an Occupational therapist in a Paediatric setting is able to work with a child to build on upper body strength

The following is useful to gain an understanding of an Occupational therapist in a Paediatric setting working with sensory integration

For those of you that do not know what Sensory Integration is here is a description I have found. Sensory Integration as described by Remus (n.d.) is:   

"When information is collected through the sensory channels, it is transmitted to the brain, interpreted and organized, prior to the individual responding appropriately.  This process is called sensory integration.  Touch, taste, smell, sight and sound are most frequently referred to as the senses, however the body also senses movement, force of gravity and body position through the muscles and joints.  This is referred to as proprioception.  Autistic children do not regulate sensory input well, paying little attention to most things or overreacting to others.  When sensory input is not organized or aligned properly, problems in learning, development or behavior may be evident.  Some autistic children have benefited from sensory integration therapy.  Consulting occupational and physical therapists may provide additional strategies to meet the needs of specific children".
The following is useful to gain knowledge on how an Occupational therapist in a Paediatric setting is able to work on a child's fine motor skills

Lastly, the following is useful to gain knowledge on how an Occupational therapist is able to apply therapy within a home setting

I hope you have gained a good understanding of my topic 'Occupational therapy in Paediatrics' through this blog entry.


Remus, M. (n.d.). Sensory Integration. Retrieved March 23, 2011, from


  1. Hi Paula
    Nice blog. Just Check the spelling and keeping following the technical descriptions. Hilary:)

  2. Hi Paula
    After reading through this tutorial and watching the youtube links you provided I now feel I have more understanding how an occupational therapist can contribute to paediatrics.
    Jaime :)

  3. Hi Jaime,
    Thank you for your comment. Working in the field of Paediatric's is of interest to me so I found this post really interesting to research and write about. Great to hear this post provided you with a better understanding of Occupational Therapists in a Paediatric setting.

    Paula :)
